Important Questions To Ask Your Dentist

When you go to your dentist, you want to take the opportunity to learn as much as you can about your teeth and what you can do to avoid future dental issues. This is why it's a good idea to ask them some very important questions most people don't think to ask. This article lists some of the dental questions you should be asking. Should you be using a toothbrush with soft, medium or hard bristles? Read More 

Teaching Your Child Great Tooth-Brushing Habits: Some Important Do’s And Don’ts

Excellent, life-long dental hygiene habits start at a young age, so if your child has gotten to the point that he or she is old enough to begin learning how to brush his or her own teeth, this can be a very exciting time for you as a parent. However, as you teach your child how to brush properly, there are some important do's and don'ts you should keep in mind along the way. Read More 

3 Maintenance Tips For Fixed Dental Bridges

When you're missing a tooth or several teeth, a cosmetic dentist may recommend a fixed bridge as a tooth replacement option. Fixed bridges are similar to a partial denture, but unlike dentures, they're not removable. The porcelain crowns that replace your missing teeth are secured in place by metal framework anchored to the surrounding teeth. Once your dentist installs your dental bridge, you'll want to take care of it so that it stays comfortably in place. Read More 

Choose The Tooth: Why A Root Canal Is Better Than An Implant

Are you experiencing moderate to severe pain in your mouth from a bad tooth? You may have an infection inside your tooth. The usual treatment for such a situation is a root canal, which is an extensive restoration procedure. You may wonder whether it might just be better to extract the tooth and get an implant. After all, isn't this tooth likely to give you problems in the future? Here's why root canals are usually preferred to implants. Read More 

Is Scaling Considered An Emergency Dental Procedure? How Else Do They Treat Gum Disease?

You have noticed your gums have gotten swollen and appear to be flaming red. Your gums might ache or you could have no pain at all. Your dentist tells you you have gum disease and it needs to be treated using a technique known as scaling and root planing. Believe it or not, these are actual emergency procedures to prevent any further damage. Gum Disease Can Affect Your Health It is well known that gum disease does affect your health, but many people do not realize the full extent your mouth's health can have on you. Read More