The Essentials of Tooth Implants: What Materials Are Used?

Dental implants have become increasingly popular over the years as a solution to missing teeth. These dental implants are surgically implanted into the jawbone, providing a permanent solution that blends in naturally with your teeth. Given the importance of dental implants, it's important to understand the materials used in their construction — which is exactly what we’re going to explore in this post.


This metal is the most commonly used material in dental implants. It is incredibly strong and bio-compatible, meaning that it can integrate well into the jawbone without being rejected. Additionally, since titanium is non-corrosive, it’s very unlikely to cause any allergic reactions in the surrounding tissue. Titanium implants are also incredibly durable, with a high degree of success and longevity.


An alternative to titanium, zirconia implants are made of ceramic-like material that offers a more aesthetic option than traditional metal implants. Zirconia implants often blend in better with natural teeth and offer an excellent option for people with metal allergies. They have a very high strength and are also biocompatible, making them a popular choice.


As the name implies, this type of implant uses a combination of porcelain and metal. The metal portion of the implant is placed in the jaw, while the porcelain cap is placed over it once it has fused. This implant is typically chosen for aesthetic considerations as the porcelain cap can be matched to the natural color of your teeth. However, this implant has a slightly higher risk of fractures and chipping than other materials.


These implants are made entirely of ceramic materials. They offer a very natural look while being highly biocompatible. Additionally, ceramic implants are resistant to both corrosion and wear. However, because ceramic is brittle, it carries a slightly higher risk of fracture or failure than other types of implants.

Stainless Steel

This is the least expensive among the materials used in dental implants, but it isn’t used as often as other materials for the same reasons. Despite being biocompatible and having solid durability, steel can cause allergic reactions in some patients and doesn't offer the same strength as titanium or zirconia. Mistakes in the procedure can cause the implant to screw up your jaw and result in further complications, making it an unpopular choice among dentists.

In the end, the material used in dental implants is a significant factor to consider when choosing the right option. Factors like budget, location, and the kind of implant procedure your dentist is most skilled in may also influence the choice of materials. But, in general, titanium and zirconia are often the most popular options due to their strength and biocompatibility.

Contact a local dentist to learn more about dental implants.
