Don’t Forget To Brush! How To Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy During Their Fun-Filled Summer Vacation
When it comes to summer activities, proper dental hygiene is one that tends to be pushed aside. With kids sleeping in each morning and rushing out to have fun with friends as soon as they wake up, things like brushing and flossing can be pushed aside. Unfortunately, that's the best way to ensure dental problems during the summer. The last thing you want is to have your kids start the new school year with a mouthful of new cavities. The most important thing you can do this summer is ensure that your kids are brushing and flossing each day. Here are three other dental tips that will protect your kids teeth this summer.
Don't Pass on the Appointments
It's not uncommon to have a packed schedule during the summer. However, no matter how packed your schedule gets, you shouldn't pass on the dental appointments. If your child is scheduled for an appointment with a kids' dentist this summer, make sure you get them there. Summer dental appointments are a great way to monitor your kids' dental health. They're also a great way to make sure your child is ready for the new school year. If you have a hard time arranging dental appointments during the school year, it's a good idea to get in the habit of winter and summer appointments. That way, you know your kids will be due for dental visits while they're out on vacation.
Have an Overnight Kit Prepared
If your kids spend a lot of time away from home during the summer, such as spending the night at friends' homes, be prepared with an overnight dental kit. Having a kit on hand that contains a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth rinse, and dental floss will ensure that your child's dental hygiene doesn't get forgotten just because they're spending the night with friends. If your child wears braces, don't forget to include braces wax and an interproximal brush to get between the brackets.
Don't be Fooled by Sports Drinks
If you've been keeping plenty of sports drinks on hand so that your child doesn't get dehydrated this summer, you should trade them in for clear water. You might not realize this, but those sports drinks are filled with added sugar. They might also contain citric acid, especially if they're fruit flavored. Protect your child's teeth from ingredients that can do damage by clearing out the sports drinks and filling your fridge with water bottles.