Five Small Habits You Can Adopt For Better Dental Health

Do you want to keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free for as long as possible? Of course you do! Basic steps like brushing twice a day, flossing thoroughly, and seeing your dental hygienist for regular cleaning appointments will get you off to a good start. However, if you really want to guarantee your teeth stay pristine, you must also pay close attention to your smaller daily habits. Here are five simple habits that you can easily adopt for healthier teeth and gums.

Keep Floss In Your Purse Or Wallet

Your intention is to floss your teeth every day, but be honest... how often do you forget to floss? When you skip flossing, bacteria linger between your teeth, releasing acids that can lead to cavities.

A good way to make sure you always remember to floss is to carry floss with you, whether in your purse, your wallet, or your work bag. This way, if you're in a rush in the morning and forget to floss before you leave, you can floss during a break or after lunch instead. Coming across the floss as you search for items in your bag will also remind you to floss if you have forgotten to do so.

Drink Your Coffee Black

With today's busy schedule, forgoing coffee entirely may not be a viable option. Thankfully, coffee is not too terrible for your teeth as long as you drink it without sugar. In fact, some research has even suggested that black coffee may help fight cavities since it helps break down the bacteria that cause plaque for form on your teeth.

If you currently drink coffee with milk and sugar, black coffee may not taste very appealing to you at first. However, if you slowly reduce the amount of sugar and milk you add over a period of about a month, you'll soon come to enjoy black coffee. 

Sip Through a Straw

You might avoid straws because you think they make you look like a child, but drinking beverages through the straw is actually what's best for your teeth, especially when your beverages contain sugar. The straw deposits the liquid further back in your mouth so it does not come into such close contact with your teeth.

If you do not like the idea of plastic straws, you could purchase a bamboo or glass straw. You can wash these and use them again and again, so you're not creating a lot of waste.

Set a Timer When You Brush

The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth for two minutes two times per day. The next time you brush, look at the clock when you start and when you finish. Chances are, you're rushing through the process and not brushing for the full two minutes. As a result, you are probably missing certain areas, leaving those teeth more prone to decay.

Get into the habit of setting a timer for 2 minutes each time you brush. You can use the timer on your smartphone or purchase a little egg timer that you use by turning over.

Set Reminders To Change Your Toothbrush

Once your toothbrush is three or four months old, the bristles become frayed and worn, so the brush is not as effective as it should be. Start setting reminders in your phone every three months. The alarm will ring and alert you that it's time for a new brush. Keep a stockpile of a few extra brushes on hand so you don't have to run to the store for a new one.

If you can implement these habits, your teeth will thank you and offer you many years of good health in return. For more information, visit websites like
