Parents, Should You Yank Out That Loose Baby Tooth?
Remember those childhood episodes of loose teeth? Did you love pulling out those baby teeth, or were you hesitant about all of the gaps the missing teeth would make in your mouth? Either way, if you are the parent of a young child, you may have to make the decision of whether or not you should pull out your child's loose baby teeth. If tiny teeth are becoming wiggly, you may not know how to respond. Here is some information about shedding baby teeth and how to address them:
When Do Kids Start Losing Baby Teeth?
Between the ages of five and seven, if your child follows the typical pattern of tooth loss, he or she will begin to lose his or her baby teeth. Of course, this depends on the individual child, but expect these years to be filled with lots of visits from the Tooth Fairy!
While most kids will lose their baby teeth naturally (i.e. they fall out), there are some conditions that can switch things up. For example, children with developmental disabilities tend to lose their baby teeth a bit later than average. And it looks as though girls mature faster in this area as well. If you are the parent of a little girl, expect her to lose baby teeth faster than boys.
So, Should You Yank?
Most pediatric dentists say no. It is best to just let it happen naturally. Many kids end up losing their baby teeth while sleeping, playing or eating. Typically, the process is gentle and with minimal bleeding, if any.
If you want to encourage the tooth to come out but don't want to frighten your child for life by yanking it from the socket, try brushing. Simple tooth brushing can help to ease the baby tooth out; just be sure to brush along the gum line as well.
Okay, The Tooth is Out. Now What?
The tooth is out! So now what are your next steps? Congratulate your child on this rite of passage, place the tooth under his or her pillow (if you support the participation of the Tooth Fairy) and have your child rinse his or her mouth with water.
If the gums are bleeding, have your little one bite down on some gauze or a paper towel for a few minutes, and the bleeding should subside. A new adult tooth should begin to appear within a few weeks. In the meantime, be sure to encourage your child to continue his or her brushing routine.
Visit your local pediatric dentist regularly to keep all of your child's teeth healthy!
For dental extractions, contact a company such as A Q Denture Services.