How To Knock Up Toothache Pain When You Are Pregnant

Toothaches pose a dental care dilemma for pregnant women. They are more susceptible to swollen gums and gingivitis. Shifting hormones and the anxiety of pregnancy could cause painful teeth. If you are pregnant, you probably already know that several methods that you would normally use to treat the toothache are a no-no. The following suggestions are safe alternatives for alleviating toothaches while pregnant.

Pain Relief

Acetaminophen provides pain relief and is safe for pregnant women. Take acetaminophen in accordance with the package directions and under your obstetrician's instructions. It may help relieve pain on a short-term basis before you're able to see a dentist or speak with your obstetrician. Not all painkillers are created equally when you are pregnant. Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen while pregnant.


Chew on a whole clove as a safe and natural way to alleviate toothache pain when you are pregnant. Clove oil is an all-natural ingredient, which is used in some dental fillings. Work the clove oil into the raw tooth. In addition, you can apply it to an open region of the tooth by biting right into a small cotton ball soaked with clove oil.

You can purchase clove oil in drugstores. It could cause nerve damage when used in large quantities, so it is safer to chew one or two cloves at a time. You will notice a difference within a half hour of chewing cloves.

Topical Antiseptic

Swab a topical antiseptic that contains benzocaine to the affected tooth. The benzocaine is not dangerous for pregnant women. New moms use the same exact formula on their teething infants. Search for a gel formula in the infant supply section of your drug store.

Consult with Your Dentist

While these methods work on a toothache pain during pregnancy, schedule a consultation with your dentist if the pain doesn't subside within a day or two. While these pain management techniques might be effective, you will need to receive immediate care if you have a serious dental issue. Make sure that you tell your dentist that you are pregnant so that the office staff could adjust the x-rays for your condition.

Usually, if you need dental work to treat a toothache, the recommended time for treatment is during the second trimester of pregnancy. However, if there's risk of infection or acute pain, you may receive dental treatment at any point in your pregnancy under the guidance of your dentist and obstetrician.

To learn more, contact a company such as Dentalcare Associates with any questions or concerns you might have.
